Governance of Artic Offshore Oil and Gas

Artic Offshore Oil and Gas

Cécile Pelaudeix and Ellen Margrethe Basse (Ed.)
Governance of Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas
Routledge, London and New York, 2018
ISBN 978-1-472-47150-5 (trykt)
ISBN 978-1-315-58547-5 (eBog)
320 sider, Engelske Pund 120 (hardback), 36,99 (paperback) eller 33,29 (eBog)

Globale energiproblemer vil fortsat være en udfordring i de kommende årtier. Effekten af klimaændringer og smeltningen af polar havis, der åbner adgangen til offshore kulbrinteressourcer i Det Arktiske Ocean, rejser spørgsmål for både civilsamfundet og det videnskabelige samfund med hensyn til boremuligheder i arktiske havområder.

Forskelle i tilgang til styringen af olie- og gasudvinding i Arktis skyldes grundlæggende forskelle i historier, kulturer, hjemlige begrænsninger og materielle værdier og holdninger i de arktiske kyststater og substater. Forskellige politiske systemer, juridiske traditioner og samfundsmæssige overbevisninger med hensyn til energisikkerhed og økonomisk udvikling, miljøbeskyttelse, legitimitet af beslutningstagning og ejerskab og respekt for de oprindelige folks rettigheder, påvirker alle, hvordan styringssystemer for olie- og gasudvinding er udformet. .

Ved hjælp af en multidisciplinær tilgang og casestudier fra USA, Norge, Rusland, Canada, Grønland/Danmark og EU undersøger denne bog både den nuværende styring af udvinding og dens virkninger og overvejer måder at øge effektiviteten af miljøledelse og offentlig deltagelse i dette system.


Introduction: Between Diversity and Coexistence in The Arctic
Cécile Pelaudeix and Ellen Margrethe Basse

PART I: Globalization and Supra-nationalism in the Arctic

Framing the Problem in Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Exploitation
Timo Koivurova

Sustainable Development in Arctic International Environmental Cooperation and the Governance of Hydrocarbon-Related Activities
Christoph Humrich

The European Union’s Role As a Facilitator in the Development of Maritime Environmental Law in the Arctic – With Focus on Offshore Hydrocarbon Activities
Ellen Margrethe Basse

Indigenous Rights in the Marine Arctic
Rachael Johnstone

PART II: National Perspectives on Offshore Regulations

Alaska and Offshore Hydrocarbon Extraction: A Legal and Socio-Economic Review
Edward T. Canuel

Governance of Offshore Hydrocarbon Activities in The Arctic and Energy Policies: A Comparative Approach between Norway, Canada and Greenland/Denmark
Cécile Pelaudeix

The Russian Offshore Oil and Gas Regime: When Tight Control Means Less Order
Roman Sidortsov

The Arctic Offshore Hydrocarbon Hiatus of 2015, Climate Change, and Integrated Management: An opportunity to revisit regulation around the Pole
Betsy Baker

PART III: State-Based Approach, Sub-States Entities and Indigenous peoples

Offshore Development and Inuit Rights in Inuit Nunangat
Thierry Rodon

Securing the Coastal Sámi Culture and Livelihood
Øyvind Ravna And Kristoffer Svendsen

Indigenous Modes of Ownership: Reopening the Case for Communal Rights in Greenland
Pelle Tejsner

PART IV: Regulatory Instruments and Enforcement

Impact Benefit Agreements and Economic and Environmental Risk Management in the Arctic
Vladimir Pacheco Cueva

Impact Benefit Agreements in Greenland
Bent Ole Mortensen

The Interplay Between Environmental Research, and Environmental Regulation of Offshore Oil and Gas Activities in Greenland
Anders Mosbech, David Boertmann, Susse Wegeberg and Kim Gustavson

Conclusion: Towards an Integrated and Participatory Governance of the Arctic Marine Areas
Cécile Pelaudeix

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